Quiet Route
Quiet Route

In October we carried out an extensive survey on the then proposed Meadows Quiet Route scheme. It was clear from the feedback we had received on other Spaces for People initiatives that the lack of consultation from the Council was a real issue. Our survey was meant to not only inform residents about the proposals but allow for them to respond to them and comment on them.

The below results were submitted to the Transport and Environment Committee which met on 12th November. The proposals will now be heard at full council.

Joint Survey Carried out by Daniel Johnson MSP, Ian Murray MP & Cllr Mandy Watt:

(Total Number of constituents taking part in survey = 682) – thanks to all who took the time to respond.

  1. Do you support current plans for the introduction of the Quiet Route from Greenbank to the Meadows?

Response to Question            Number           Percentage

Yes                                          339                  50%

No                                           301                  44%

Don’t Know                             39                    6%

No valid response                   3                      N/A


  1. Would you support the introduction of the Quiet Route from Greenbank to the Meadows if changes to current plans were made?

Response to Question            Number           Percentage

Yes                                          290                  43%

No                                           120                  18%

Don’t Know                             258                  38%

No valid response                   14                    1%


  1. Should the Council introduce more active travel routes across the city?

Response to Question            Number           Percentage

Yes                                          421                  62%

No                                           148                  22%

Don’t Know                             109                  16%

No valid response                   4                      N/A


  1. Do you support the measures being introduced in the wider Morningside area under Spaces for People, such as temporary pavement widening, removal of parking spaces and introduction of cycle lanes?

Response to Question            Number           Percentage

Yes                                          320                  47%

No                                           319                  47%

Don’t Know                             39                    6%

No valid response                   4                      N/A


  1. What would you like to see happen on Braid Road?

Response to Question            Number           Percentage

Full reopening                         306                  45%

Partial Reopening                   116                  17%

Remain Closed                       225                  33%

None of the above                  10                    1%

No valid response                   25                    4%

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