Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South
The Council has now published its draft local development plan. The plan maps out how the city develops over the next ten years, including, new housing, schools and local infrastructure.
The broad strategy adopted by the Council is to develop brownfield sites for housing rather than green belt land. This is welcome news but comes too late to save much of the green belt in the south of the city. Furthermore, just because this strategy has been adopted in the local plan this does not prevent developers putting in speculative applications for green belt land. Often these applications are overturned on appeal by the Scottish Government.
In Edinburgh South the main sites allocated for development are:
- The site of the current Astley Ainslie hospital
- Moredun Community Centre
- Moredun Park Loan care park
- Liberton Hospital
- Ratcliffe Terrace industrial units
More information on the City Plan can be found here: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/cityplan2030
You can submit representations via until 20th December