Woman walks from a polling station in the centre of town
Woman walks from a polling station in the centre of town

This election will be one of the most important for a generation.

We have the opportunity to change our country and re-introduce decency, honesty and integrity into our public life.

We can raise our public services back up off their knees after over a decade of brutal SNP and Tory austerity.

We can build a better Scotland for the future, which tackles climate change and breaks the class ceiling.

The Tories have introduced laws which require ID at polling stations. This is a blatant attempt to disenfranchise thousands of voters and Labour opposed it.

The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is to register for a postal vote.

Register to vote here. (Deadline 18th June 2024)

Apply for a postal vote here. (Deadline 19th June 2024)

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