Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
Sainsbury’s have put in a planning application for the property where Margiotta’s currently sits on Marchmont Road.
I would urge residents who wish to comment on the plans to make representations to the Council before the closing date of Friday 6th September. You can view and comment on each of the application by going to the links below:
13/03093/FUL -; Proposed shop front alterations: installation of an automatic door and ATM
Furthermore, Sainsbury’s have also submitted an application for a variation to the Liquor Licence. To comment on this part of the application you must send a signed email to•liquorlicensing@edinburgh.gov.ukbefore the closing date of Tuesday 10th•September quoting reference: 13/11812.• You can also object by going to the Licensing section on the Council website and downloading a representation form.