Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South
I have been running a campaign on local GP services across Edinburgh South. You can sign my petition here.
My research has revealed that in my constituency only 4 out of 14 GP practices are taking on new patients, with 10 operating closed or heavily restricted lists. This is simply not good enough, particularly for residents in the Liberton Gilmerton ward who have only one GP surgery taking on new patients.
The staff are doing a truly heroic job but the system is failing them. We see thousands of new homes being built in the south of the city placing further pressure on these services. The Scottish Government and the Council need to sort this out.
I recently wrote to Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care. You can view the response here.
I was shocked that a civil servant responded to my request and simply highlighted the small packages of funding the Scottish Government are spending. There was were no specifics on the problem in south Edinburgh and no commitment on steps the Scottish Government are going to take to ensure an adequate supply of GPs.
I have now written to the Council on the issue of developer contributions to front line health care and will be updating constituents in due course.