Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
I have been campaigning with Councillor Scott Arthur to protect the Green Belt on Frogston Road and across South Edinburgh.
Proposals by developers to build on the Green Belt site adjacent to the Broomhills development have been met with widespread opposition by local residents. 1,000 people have already signed the petition opposing development and I share their worries that building on the Green Belt will damage biodiversity and further reduce the green space that we all enjoy. There is also the very practical issue of local infrastructure and services. Roads are already jammed; parents struggle to get placements at local schools and medical practices are operating closed lists. After years of cuts, local services are not fit for purpose for those who already live here. If we are to build more homes, we must ensure local infrastructure is urgently upgraded.
The Broomhills site is not the only threat to our cherished Green Belt. Land at both Winton and Highfield, Ferniehill is under threat. I will campaign with residents to protect their green space, but many are perplexed that the only planning proposals to achieve unanimous public support – Gilmerton Gateway – was recommended for refusal by council planners. Whereas time and time again local residents are overruled when they raise genuine concerns about planning applications for further development of the green belt.