Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South
The south of the city is being built upon at an incredible rate. Virtually all greenbelt land up to the bypass has either been developed, is being developed or there are applications to come. A lot of the planning permissions were issued years ago on appeal by the Scottish Government, who frequently over-rule the elected Council to permit housing development in Edinburgh South.
This has resulted in big developers building vast housing estates with little or no thought to the facilities and infrastructure required to sustain healthy communities. This is a problem for both existing and new residents.
From both my own experience and speaking to local people it is clear that in many parts of Edinburgh South it’s now impossible to register with a GP, roads are congested because of a huge increase in traffic with active travel and public transport options not improving, high quality green leisure space and children’s play areas are non-existent and there is a dearth of local shops and community facilities.
This is not only bad for new residents, but it also affects existing residents in all communities across the area, as what little infrastructure there is, is put under increasing pressure.
Sign my petition to demand action from the Scottish Government, The City of Edinburgh Council and big housing developers to give the local communities of Liberton Gilmerton the facilities and communities they deserve.