Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South

I am delighted to report that the Gilmerton Gateway proposal, which has widespread community support, has been approved by Councillors at the Development Management Sub Committee.
Local firm Bernard Hunter have been keen to make sure the site is developed with a view to bringing more community facilities to the area, instead of simply more housing. This is a good step forward for my campaign on GP infrastructure as the proposals include indicative provision for a new 10,000 capacity GP practice. We still need confirmation from the Scottish Government on funding but this is good progress.
Other facilities will include a hotel, supermarket, offices, café space and improvements to pedestrian and cycle routes.
You can view the full application by using reference 21/05498/AMC on the planning portal here.
Thanks to Bernard Hunter Crane Hire for all the great work you do for the community. I can’t wait for ground to be broken on this project!