Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
The Scottish Fabian Society hosted a thought provoking event in Edinburgh on the challenges facing Scotland.
The conference considered a number of questions related to this theme. For example:
- What does Brexit mean for the future of the United Kingdom and how can Scottish Labour position itself in a new round of constitutional debates brought up by this issue?
- How might the ongoing debates around Scotland’s position in the UK fit into a broader Labour vision of devolved power or federalism?
- How might such a vision account for resurgent notions of English, Welsh or regional identities?
- What should Scotland be looking for in any deal for a future outside the EU?
- What does the referendum voting pattern say about voters’ concerns beyond the EU?
- What lessons must Labour learn in order to address these concerns and stem the rise of nationalism and right-wing politics?
I was pleased to give some closing remarks which you can listen to here: