Ian Murray MP
Ian Murray MP

This month I joined colleagues from all parties (except the Conservatives) on the March 4 Remain in Edinburgh. The event was organised by The European Movement in Scotland and was a great opportunity to say to the Government that they do not represent Edinburgh – the most pro-European city in the UK. It was a glorious day and the message was clear – Boris Johnson doesn’t speak for us and we demand a final say on this issue of Brexit. It was also the chance to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace and to unite for climate change the day after the student protest.

I enjoyed addressing the crowd and it was great listening to all the speakers, especially the architect of Article 50, Lord John Kerr. He reminded us that when he was in Brussels Boris Johnson had just been sacked from the Times newspaper for making up stories. Some things never change.

Thanks to all the volunteers who organised and managed the event.

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