
Ian is backing an urgent appeal to help the relief effort in east Africa -; by donating the equivalent of one day’s salary.

There are currently more than 10 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and the Republic of South Sudan who are in desperate need of food, water and emergency healthcare.

And it has been reported that 250 people are dying needlessly every day because they aren’t receiving the help they need.

The Disasters Emergency Committee has already launched an urgent appeal to provide the aid that is desperately required in east Africa.

And Ian is urging residents to give whatever they can to the DEC’s East Africa Crisis Appeal.

“It is deeply shocking to see the images of starvation and sickness from the current situation in east Africa,” said Ian

“In today’s world any child who dies because they don’t have enough to eat is one too many. And it is impossible to truly imagine the scale of the problem faced by the population in east Africa.

“I know that in the current economic climate in the UK many people are having to make savings and are funding things tough -; but every pound given to this appeal will really make a difference.

“And I want to encourage people to give whatever they can spare -; even if it is just a few pence -; to the appeal. Just £1 can make a real difference.

“The world must step up action to tackle this tragedy which is unfolding before us. •It is important that we all do our bit and that is why I support the appeal.”

Ian says the situation is “deeply distressing”. And he has committed to give the equivalent of one day’s pay to the appeal.

Online donations to the appeal can be made here•

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