Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South
Since the start of the year, activities on the various planning proposals across the constituency have gathered pace.• Here’s a synopsis on recent developments:
Burdiehouse Terrace
The site at Burdiehouse Terrace has been a real pain for local residents for many years, following permission being granted by the then SNP/Lib Dem Council for the development of residential flats and associated car parking facilities.• Along with my Labour Councillor colleagues, I strongly opposed the proposals as they would be out of character when compared to the predominately two-storey buildings surrounding the site.
Since that time, the developer has failed to stop the site turning into a shocking state, with burnt out buildings, rubbish, vandalism and old furniture being dumped in the gardens.• This has caused the residents of Burdiehouse Terrace, in particular, real concern over public safety.
However the developer, Home Scotland, is now about the start work on the site and along with the local residents group I am urging residents to contact me if they have any concerns or issues while work is carried out.
East Suffolk Park
Miller Homes have brought forward proposals to develop the field they own at the end of East Suffolk Road for residential housing.• The large field was previously maintained and used by St Margaret’s School which secured the short to long term future of site from development.• However, since the school’s demise, I have been working closely with the Craigmillar Park Residents Association and local sports organisations in the hope to persuade Miller Homes that the field, including the historic sports pavilion, would be better used for sport and out recreation rather than residential development.
These discussions are ongoing despite the proposals being put together by Miller Homes, and I strongly believe that continued recreational use is the best future for this lovely green space in the heart of our city.
Miller Homes and Holder Planning held an exhibition on February 26 at Craigmillar Park Church.• I would strongly urge constituents to express their views on the proposed plans by the March 11 deadline, by emailing lesley.mcgrath@holderplanning.co.uk or writing to Holder Planning, 5 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AN.
Miller Homes had a previous application to build on the site rejected by the Council in 1998 and as such it is still designated as a conservation area within the Local Development Plan.• However, with the Scottish Government increasing the pressure on local authorities (particularly Edinburgh) to open up even more greenfield/greenbelt land for new housing, developers are suddenly taking a keen interest in all urban spaces.
This is our opportunity to make an impression on the plans prior to a full application being submitted to the Council over the next few months.
Once the Council receive the full plans I will publish the further details on the proposed development on my website.
Craighouse Campus
The proposals to develop the site at Craighouse Campus have been ongoing for over two years now.• The developers’ initial plans were widely opposed, which resulted in them being withdrawn.• New plans were submitted and were due to be discussed by the Council’s Sub Committee on March 17, however, it appears that given the excellent representations submitted by local residents and groups, the developers have been forced to think again and have again withdrawn the current plans at this stage.• I was deeply concerned about the application being considered and I was heartened by the level of comment/objections submitted to the Council during the planning consultation process.
The Council have been informed by the developer that a revised plan will be submitted before the end of May and I keep all local residents up to date on this so that everybody has an opportunity to express their view.
It again shows that a strong local voice can have an impact and I would like to take this opportunity to again thank the excellent work of the Friends of Craighouse and Morningside Community Council on this important local issue.
The Drum
I have been keeping residents up to date on the Local Development Plan and the proposals being put forward by developers for our area.
A developer has now submitted outline proposals for a public consultation for the Greenbelt site in the Drum, south of Candlemaker’s Park.• I urge local residents to look at these proposals and send your comments to the developer using the feedback form below before the closing date of 26th•February.
This is our opportunity to make an impression on the plans prior to a full application being submitted to the Council once the LDP has been adopted.
Plans 1:•http://www.scribd.com/doc/206363869/Plans-1
Plans 2:•http://www.scribd.com/doc/206363859/Plans-2
Plans 3:•http://www.scribd.com/doc/206363853/Plans-3
Feedback Form:http://www.scribd.com/doc/206363794/Public-Exhibition-Feedback-Form