Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
Last week I visited Sainsbury’s at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre and spent a•really enjoyable morning•shadowing Fresh Food Counter Manager•Diana and her team.
During the store’s recent refurbishment the counter area was completely renovated and I donned•a hat and•white coat for a tour of their new facilities.•As you can see there is•a fantastic range of fresh meat and fish, hot food, salad and deli produce, and shopping at the counters gives customers the advantage of choosing exactly which piece or how much of each item they want to take home with them.
Diana’s team are hugely knowledgeable about the products they•sell and their passion, pride•and enthusiasm shone across. During the visit I met a number of staff who had received training through Sainsbury’s Food Colleges, including Andrew from the Fish and Meat Counter who expertly demonstrated how to fillet a sea bass.
I was impressed with the services offered by the store and I’m sure I will•be back to do my own shopping before long!