Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
One of the issues I often hear about within my constituency is litter, and so I am very proud to be a part of the People Against Litter campaign.
The campaign, founded here in Edinburgh in July 2003, aims to address the issue of litter by asking members to pick up at least one piece of litter everyday and ask one other person to do the same.
Anyone can become a member of People Against Litter (or PALs, as the members are known as), there are no fees, meet ups or clean ups in groups – it is just a personal commitment to pick up litter.
According to the BBC1 programme on litter, ‘Don’t Mess With Me’ which aired in November of this year, the UK generates a staggering 30 million tons of litter per year. This costs around £1billion to clear up. Figures like this highlight how important initiatives like People Against Litter are.
If you’d like to find out more information, you can visit the website here.