There has been a significant number of planning issues recently and here is a brief update on the major applications.

I have said for some time that the planning system needs reformed to enable it to be more responsive to the needs of local people and developers. •At the moment there seems to be a bit of a free for all and that can’t be beneficial for local services and communities.

FROGSTON ROAD WEST – the application has been refused on appeal.

BROOMHILLS – comes before the Council Planning Committee on 18 November despite being part of the Local Development Plan that is not yet adopted. •The Planning Committee decided to have a full hearing into the•application. •Date to be announced.

LIBERTON BRAE – an application has been•submitted for 11 homes. •The application reference is•15/04790/FUL and comments can still be made tvia the planning portal on the•Council website.

MORRISONS SUPERMARKET – an•application•has been submitted to increase•their operating hours from 06:00 to midnight each day. •The comments period is still open and comments can be submitted by email at••or by telephone 0131 529 4208, quoting the•application reference number: 311800 by Wed 25 November.

WINTON – the application to build was refused last year but Miller Homes has a pre-application in to build on the area.••A planning application is awaited.

MIDMAR PADDOCK – no application has been submitted to date but the land did sell to a new owner under the description of “development potential”. •We will keep a•close eye on this with the Friends of Hermitage of Braid and the Morningside Community Council.

LIBERTON•DRIVE/ALWICKHILL ROAD FIELD – again, no application has been submitted but the area was sold and the horses have been taken off the land. •The Liberton Association are keeping a close•eye on this as we have jointly fought building on this land for many decades.

EAST SUFFOLK – a planning application to build 11 homes on this are and move the historic pavilion has been submitted. •The comments period has closed but•there is a hearing on Wednesday 18 November at the Planning Committee. •The Planning Committee rejected the application to build houses but approved the moving of the pavilion.

GOODS CORNER – this has been ongoing for many years. •An application was granted some years ago for flats that incorporated the historic cottages. •A new application was submitted that•demolished the cottages and made way for 140 flats. •This has since ben withdrawn and a new•application for 100 student flats has been submitted that retains the cottages (although•with the state of them they may not last•much longer). •The comments period has closed but you can see all at the Council Planning Portal with reference•15/03566/FUL.

If you know of any other live or pending applications that would benefit from an update please let me know.

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