The residents of the Greenend estate are objecting to the Planning in Principle application to build on the green open space in the area at Greenend Gardens.

Here is my written objection to the Council:

To Whom It May Concern:

I wish to object to the above planning application at the land at 53 Greenend Gardens.

Ordinarily I would have made a formal objection through the planning portal but this application has not been available on the portal for a number of days now. •It is imperative that the residents are given the opportunity to make comment on this application and that, in order for them to do this, they should have access to the portal. •It was on the portal when I first examined the application on Monday 28 March at approximately 16:45 but it has been inaccessible since that time.

My objection is to the removal of a valuable open green space that is well used by the local community. •The current City of Edinburgh Local Plan has policy OS1 -; Open Space Protection and this planning in principle would run counter to that policy on the following grounds:

There will be significant impact on the quality and character of the local environment in the Greenend estate. •It breaches all the areas of policy OS1.

  • the open space is the only green space in the entire estate and has significant leisure and amenity value for local people. •Thousands of local children have utilised this open space for generations. and it is a centre point for the local community in terms of community events and other get togethers.
  • Given this area is the only green space in the estate, the loss would be detrimental to biodiversity in the estate given it is the only green space with mature trees.
  • there is absolutely no local benefit in allowing the development in terms of either alternative equivalent provision being made or improvement another open space.
  • the development clearly runs contrary to the communities own wishes and their is no benefit to the local community with the loss of this open space.

The new Local Development 2 proposals also include Policy Env 18 that mirrors the existing OS 1 policy mentioned above.

Additionally, there are significant traffic issues both in the immediate vicinity of Greenend Gardens and the wider estate that will be exacerbated by the addition of more housing and the loss of parking areas. •I understand other residents have been refused the ability to instal a dropped kerb at their properties for that very reason of parking in the estate

The Local Development Plan 2015-2020 has not yet been adopted but contains all the provisions for the City of Edinburgh Council to meet the Strategic Regional Development Plan proposals in terms of housing allocations. The addition of this area will have no material impact on those housing allocations and should, therefore, be rejected on the grounds that it runs contrary to the existing Local Development Plan and does not affect the incoming Local Development Plan 2

A recent public street meeting at the site attracted over 100 residents who are concerned about this proposal and the impact it will have on their ability to enjoy the area and allow children and adults alike to use the open green space. •The alternative that the children in the area can “play in the woods behind the estate” is really not a realistic option and should be removed as an alternative suggestion. •The only amenity land is this piece of green open space.

I appreciate that ownership is not a planning consideration but it is worth reflecting that there is some dubiety about the ownership of this area. •Whilst we are aware that the area was claimed by the Crown following the liquidation of the previous owner, it appears that the City of Edinburgh Council, and therefore the taxpayers of Greenend and the wider Edinburgh area, have been paying for the upkeep and maintenance of the area for as long as there residents can remember. •Furthermore, it was the City of Edinburgh Council that planted the trees on the site using tax payer resources.

Lastly, the impact of the proposed LDP2 will be significant for the south part of Edinburgh and it is imperative that this is not exacerbated by decisions made in planning that are wholeheartedly opposed by the local community.

We must protect green open spaces that are cherished by local people. •The disproportionate affect on the local residents far outweighs the increase of a few homes on this site.

That is why I object to this PPP application in representing my constituents and hope that the Planning Committee will see this also.

Given the planning portal is inoperative on this application would it be possible for you to acknowledge and record this objection please.

Best wishes,

Ian Murray MP

Labour Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland

Constituency Office: 0131 662 4520

House of Commons:• 0207 219 7064

Write: 31 Minto Street, Edinburgh, EH9 2BT

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