Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
An update from•Save Our Inch Community Centre•from Chair of•Inch Community Association•Mark Mulgrew:
“Many people have been asking what is happening regarding the campaign and also asking some very important questions about the future of the Community Centre.
Members of the Management Committee held a meeting tonight to discuss the way forward and to keep up the momentum•of our campaign.
Where we are is that the Council have agreed to seek outside organisations to become a partner in the building and invest in the renovation. We believe, although this has not been confirmed, that 2 organisations have shown an interest in the building.
The concern that has been raised by many people in the local community, and by members of the Management C
ommittee, is what happens if any of these organisations/bodies/partners negotiate an agreement to occupy the unused part and subsequently look to ‘squeeze’ out the Community facility.
Although we have been told that the Management Committee would be involved at every stage of this process, we have had NO communication from officials to detail any of the approaches that have been made.
To this end, we are holding a second Public Meeting at Inch House on Thursday 18 August at 6.30pm and we will be inviting council officials from both the Children & Families and Properties departments along with the local elected Councillors, MSP and MP. Ian Murray MP has agreed to Chair the meeting for us.
This is the perfect opportunity for the local Community to question officials and elected representatives as to their vision for the future of Community Centre facilities in Inch House.
We may well have staved off the closure and disposal of the building, but we need to secure the future of the Community Centre presence and activities.
Without a commitment to the Community & Learning Development (CLD) programme, we are faced with the council closing the building.
We are preparing a flyer for distribution around the area and will be looking for volunteers to deliver these for us.
We will be holding a volunteers meeting soon and look forward to you all attending.
Thanks once again for your support and we look forward to you helping to promote this public meeting and coming along to ask these vitally important questions.”