Ian Murray MP Working Hard for Edinburgh South
Important information that impacts on schools in Liberton and Gilmerton. A new school is needed to provide more primary places but parents may want to contribute to the catchment consultation.•This is the letter I received from the Council with details of consultation process:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to let you know that a statutory consultation on the Proposal to Establish a New Non-Denominational Primary School and Implement Catchment Changes to Address School Capacity and Accommodation Pressures in South East Edinburgh begins today Monday 16 January 2017. •The public consultation period will run until 5pm on Friday 3 March 2017.
The proposal in the statutory consultation directly affects Gilmerton Primary School, Gracemount Primary School, Liberton High School and Gracemount High School.• There is also a very minor catchment change affecting Liberton Primary School.
Further information including the full statutory consultation paper, background papers and an online questionnaire are available at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/newsoutheastschool . Copies of the statutory consultation paper are available for inspection at the Council Offices at Waverley Court, at Gilmerton Library and at the schools affected by the proposals.
Two public meetings will be held in respect of the proposals at the venues, dates and times listed below:•
Venue • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Date • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••Time
Gilmerton Primary School • • ••Tuesday 31 January 2017 • ••6:30 -; 8:30pm
Gracemount Primary School • •Thursday 9 February 2017 • •6:30 -; 8:30pm
•Following the conclusion of the public consultation period a report on the Outcomes of the Consultation will be presented to the Council in June 2017 and the report will be made publicly available three weeks before the Council meeting.•During the consultation period, any views on this proposal should be sent in writing to the address below or by e-mail to new.southeastschool@edinburgh.gov.uk. •All views, whether by letter, e-mail or using the online questionnaire should arrive by 5pm on Friday 3 March 2017.