Ian Murray Working Hard for Edinburgh South
Scotland’s MPs will be critical in the fight for a People’s Vote, senior Labour figures including Lord Adonis will say today (SAT).
The former UK Transport Secretary will be joined by MEP Catherine Stihler and MP Ian Murray at an event in Edinburgh organised by ‘Our Future Our Choice’ to examine the Brexit impact on young people.
Lord Adonis will challenge Scottish Labour to ‘get off the fence’, while the panel will also call on Scottish Tory MPs to back a People’s Vote.
Lord Adonis will say: “Scotland’s MPs will be critical in the fight for a People’s Vote.
“Scotland voted overwhelmingly to Remain, so the Scottish Labour Party must get off the fence and back a People’s Vote. The vast majority of Labour Party supporters in Scotland want one, and they do not want their only pro-EU option to be the SNP.”
Ian Murray, Labour MP for Edinburgh South, will say: “Tory leader Ruth Davidson backed Remain and it’s time she told her Scottish MPs to stop acting as Lobby fodder for the Brexiteers, and get behind a People’s Vote.
“She can’t claim to support the Union while putting it at risk with a hard Brexit. Her MPs have a key role when this comes to the Commons – it’s time to put the country before the Tory Party.”
Catherine Stihler, Labour MEP for Scotland, will say: “Brexit threatens the opportunities for young people from across Scotland.
“We must do everything we can to give people an opportunity to prevent Brexit, and there are tens of thousands of youngsters who didn’t get a vote in 2016 who back a People’s Vote.
“Future generations will not forgive us if we go ahead with Brexit.”
What next for Brexit? Lord Adonis, Catherine Stihler, Ian Murray.
Saturday, 19:00-20:30, G06, 50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU.